Ballycrovane Ogham Stone: Eyeries, Co Cork

by | Jun 17, 2012 | Ancient Places, Cork, Landmarks & Buildings

Ballycrovane Ogham stone is impressive, rising 5.3 meters (17 ft) up out of a hill on the edge of the Ring of Beara. It has, carved along one side, Ogham marked into it. Ogham is the ancient Celtic language, largely used for ceremonial purposes, and the only known written language of the pre-Roman Celts.

We came across it by accident, thanks to a lovely little brown sign and a curiosity not deterred by the fact that we had to go up some farmer’s driveway, through his gate, and into what was essentially his back yard to find it. But find it we did, and it was suitably impressive!

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Written by Christy Nicholas

Christy Nicholas

Christy is an artist, accountant and traveler with a love for Ireland and hopes to move there someday. A variety of her artwork and travel reports are available at Christy’s Tips | Website

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Christy Nicholas

Christy is an artist, accountant and traveler with a love for Ireland and hopes to move there someday. A variety of her artwork and travel reports are available at Christy's Tips | Website